Our Debt Settlement Program |
Taking control of your finances not only possible, we make it easy. |
Debtruptcy.com has developed an excellent method for consumers to get out of debt and avoid bankruptcy.
In response to the rising levels of commercial/consumer unsecured debt and the increase in the number of bankruptcies, nationally, Debtruptcy.com, seeing the need has specialized in
commercial/consumer debt relief and developed the Debt Settlement Program.Typically, our clients have more debt than they can manage.
Our Debt Settlement Program affords our clients the ability to manage this debt more efficiently and without the need for bankruptcy.
The Debt Settlement Program is usually the best method to resolve your haunting problems. We have a proven program, and for the
consumer who is patient and committed, will free you of your current debt. The program does not reduce your interest rates it is a debt elimination program. We also do not provide credit repair service.
Why should I consider a Debt Settlement Program? |
When you're in debt, it can be difficult to see your way out. Fortunately, there is plenty of help available and you have a number of options.
Unfortunately, there is no one solution that is right for everybody.Consumer Debt Group has helped many people, and many of them found a Debt Settlemet Program to be the best solution.
Before you decide, study the advantages of our Debt Settlement Program. They can help you sort through the options and make the right choice — the one that best meets your needs.
Our Program |
Debt settlement or debt arbitration is a legal process used by both people in debt and their creditors to negotiate a settlement of an existing legal debt.
Typically the debt is reduced by up to fifty percent. The legal terminology for this process is called an "Accord and Satisfaction" since you are really reaching an
accord or new agreement and then paying or satisfying it. Any person owing credit card debt, or any other debt for that matter, has the legal right to contact and negotiate with the creditors; however,
a proper and fair debt settlement requires expert skills, such as those possessed by the debt counselors at the Consumer Debt Group, to convince the creditors to
reduce the ultimate debt amount because it would be in their best interest to get something from the borrower instead of forcing the borrower into bankruptcy.
- Significantly lower the amount of your debt. Sometimes it could be as low as 60% of the total amount due.
- Fastest and easiest way to eliminate your debt compare to other programs
- Best for you not your creditors
- Payment schedule you can handle
- End all creditors and collection agency calls
Why not do it yourself?
- Not likely to obtain a significant reduced settlement as a creditor-recognized settlement firm such as Consumer Debt Group
- Can be extremely time consuming and cost ineffective
- Creditors will continue to harass you by telephone.
Take action now or call us at 1.877-939-3328 today and find out how we can help you.